'''Lambda functions can be used along with built-in functions like i)filter() ii)map() ''' '''1)filter() function takes 2 arguments i) lambda function ii)list ''' # Python to illustrate filter() with lambda() #I want sals >20000 list1=[10,20,30,40,50] res = list(filter(lambda x:(x>20),list1)) print(res) print("\n\n") emps=[(101,"miller",10000,"m",11,"hyd"), (102,"Blake",20000,"m",12,"pune"), (103,"sony",30000,"f",11,"hyd"), (104,"sita",40000,"f",12,"pune"), (105,"John",50000,"m",13,"hyd")] #Task1: I want those emps who belongs to hyd hyd_recs = list(filter(lambda x:(x[5]=="hyd"),emps)) print(hyd_recs) print("\n") #Task2:I want male recs and female recs male_recs = list(filter(lambda x:(x[3]=="m"),emps)) print(male_recs) print("\n") female_recs = list(filter(lambda x:(x[3]=="f"),emps)) print(female_recs) print("\n") #Task3 :I want those who sal>20000 res = list(filter(lambda x:(x[2]>20000),emps)) print(res) print("\n") #Task4 :I want those who belong to Hyd and sal>20000 res = list(filter(lambda x:(x[5]=="hyd" and x[2]>20000),emps)) print(res) print("\n\n")