#Anonymous function/Lambda function: #A function which doesnt have any name,is called lambda fn or Anonymous function # syntax: lambda arguments:expression # how to call lambda function? # Ans: Assign lambda function to a variable,this variable behaves like fn name #using that variable name,we can call lambda fn #ex: function to square a no f1=lambda x:x*x p=f1(10) print(p) q=f1(20) print(q) #The above code is equivalent to the following code def f2(x): return(x*x) p=f2(10) print(p) q=f2(20) print(q) #Lambda function can have any number of arguments but only one expression, #which is evaluated and returned. print("\n\n") #ex:2 f1=lambda x,y:x*y p=f1(10,20) print(p) q=f1(x=20,y=30) #keyword arguments print(q)