#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Node { public: int data; Node* left, *right; Node() { left = right = NULL; } Node(int x) { data = x; left = right = NULL; } }; class AVLTree { Node *root; public: AVLTree() { root = NULL; } Node* getRoot() { return root; } void create(); Node* insert(Node* t,int x); void inorder(Node *t); void preorder(Node *t); int balanceFactor(Node *t); int height(Node *t); Node* rotateLeft(Node *t); Node* rotateRight(Node *t); Node* rotateLeftRight(Node *t); Node* rotateRightLeft(Node *t); Node* delete_(Node *t,int x); Node* findMin(Node *t); void delete_data(); }; void AVLTree::create() { int x; while(1) { cout<<"\n\n Enter Data -1 to Stop:"; cin>>x; if(x == -1) break; root = insert(root,x); } } Node* AVLTree::insert(Node* t,int x) { if( t == NULL) { t = new Node(x); return t; } // search data if(x < t->data) { t->left = insert(t->left,x); if(balanceFactor(t) == 2) { if(x < t->left->data) { t = rotateRight(t); cout<<"\n RotateRight"; } else { t = rotateLeftRight(t); cout<<"\n RotateLeftRight"; } } return t; } else if(x > t->data) { t->right = insert(t->right,x); if(balanceFactor(t) == -2) { if(x > t->right->data) { t = rotateLeft(t); cout<<"\n RotateLeft"; } else { t = rotateRightLeft(t); cout<<"\n RotateRightLeft"; } } return t; } else { cout<<"\n\n Duplicate Data!"; return t; } } void AVLTree::inorder(Node *t) { if( t != NULL) { inorder(t->left); cout<<"\n Data:"<<t->data<<" BalanceFactor: "<<balanceFactor(t); inorder(t->right); } } int AVLTree::balanceFactor(Node *t) { if(t == NULL) { return 0; } int hl = 0, hr =0; if(t->left != NULL) { hl = 1 + height(t->left); } if( t->right != NULL) { hr = 1 + height(t->right); } return hl - hr; } int AVLTree::height(Node *t) { if(t == NULL) return 0; if( t->left == NULL && t->right == NULL) return 0; int hl = 0,hr = 0; if( t->left != NULL) hl = 1 + height(t->left); if( t->right != NULL) hr = 1 + height(t->right); return hl > hr ? hl : hr; } Node* AVLTree::rotateLeft(Node *t) { Node *p = t->right; t->right = p->left; p->left = t; return p; } Node* AVLTree::rotateRight(Node *t) { Node *p = t->left; t->left = p->right; p->right = t; return p; } Node* AVLTree::rotateLeftRight(Node *t) { t->left = rotateLeft(t->left); return rotateRight(t); } Node* AVLTree::rotateRightLeft(Node *t) { t->right = rotateRight(t->right); return rotateLeft(t); } Node* AVLTree::delete_(Node *t,int x) { if(t == NULL) { cout<<"\n\n Data Not Found!"; return NULL; } // Search data if(x < t->data) { t->left = delete_(t->left,x); if(balanceFactor(t) == -2) { if(balanceFactor(t->right) == 0 || balanceFactor(t->right) == -1 ) { t = rotateLeft(t); cout<<"\n RotateLeft"; } else // bf = 1 { t = rotateRightLeft(t); cout<<"\n RotateRightLeft"; } } return t; } else if( x > t->data) { t->right = delete_(t->right,x); if(balanceFactor(t) == 2) { if(balanceFactor(t->left) == 0 || balanceFactor(t->left) == 1 ) { t = rotateRight(t); cout<<"\n RotateRight"; } else // bf = -1 { t = rotateLeftRight(t); cout<<"\n RotateLeftRight"; } } return t; } // Data Found if(t->left == NULL && t->right == NULL) { delete t; return NULL; } // node with 1 child if(t->left == NULL) { Node* p = t->right; delete t; return p; } if(t->right == NULL) { Node *p = t->left; delete t; return p; } // Node with 2 child Node *p = findMin(t->right); t->data = p->data; t->right = delete_(t->right,p->data); return t; } Node* AVLTree::findMin(Node *t) { while(t->left != NULL) t = t->left; return t; } void AVLTree::delete_data() { int x; cout<<"\n\n Enter Data to Delete:"; cin>>x; root = delete_(root,x); } void AVLTree::preorder(Node *t) { if(t!=NULL) { cout<<t->data<<" "; preorder(t->left); preorder(t->right); } } int main() { AVLTree t; t.create(); cout<<"\n\n Inorder Traversal:"; t.inorder(t.getRoot()); cout<<"\n\n Preorder Traversal:"; t.preorder(t.getRoot()); t.delete_data(); t.inorder(t.getRoot()); return 0; }
Input File:
78 21 14 11 97 85 74 63 42 45 57 16 20 19 52 -1