/* Simple Binary Tree -create() -recursive inorder() -nonrecursive preorder -search data -find leaf node of any Node -find height of any Node -Print height of all the nodes in a tree -delete a node from tree. */ #include<iostream> #define MAX 100 using namespace std; class Node { public: int data; Node* left; Node* right; Node() { data=0; left=right=NULL; } Node(int x) { data = x; left = right = NULL; } }; class Stack { Node* data[MAX]; int top; public: Stack() { top = -1; } int isEmpty() { if(top == -1) return 1; return 0; } int isFull() { if(top == MAX -1) return 1; return 0; } void push(Node* t) { if(!isFull()) { top++; data[top] = t; } else { cout<<"\n Stack is Full"; } } Node* pop() { return data[top--]; } }; class Tree { Node* root; public: Tree() { root = NULL; } Node* getRoot() { return root; } void create(); Node* create_rec(); void inorder(Node*); int search(Node*,int x); Node* leafNode(Node*); int height(Node*); void delete_(int); Node* deleteNode(Node*,int,int&); void preorder(); void heightAll(Node*); }; void Tree::create() { root = create_rec(); } Node* Tree::create_rec() { int x; cout<<"\n Enter data, enter 0 to stop:"; cin>>x; if(x == 0) { return NULL; } Node *p = new Node(x); cout<<"\n Enter left of "<<x<<":"; p->left = create_rec(); cout<<"\n Enter right of "<<x<<":"; p->right = create_rec(); return p; } void Tree::inorder(Node* t) { if(t!=NULL) { inorder(t->left); cout<<t->data<<" "; inorder(t->right); } } int Tree::search(Node *t,int x) { if(t == NULL) return 0; if(t->data == x) { return 1; } int res; res =search(t->left,x); if(res == 0) res = search(t->right,x); return res; } Node* Tree::leafNode(Node *t) { if(t==NULL) { return NULL; } if(t->left == NULL && t->right == NULL) { return t; } if( t->left != NULL) { return leafNode(t->left); } else { return leafNode(t->right); } } int Tree::height(Node* t) { int res1 = 0,res2 = 0; if(t == NULL) { return 0; } if(t->left == NULL && t->right == NULL) { return 0; } if(t->left != NULL) { res1 = 1+height(t->left); } if(t->right != NULL) { res2 = 1+height(t->right); } return res1 > res2 ? res1 : res2; } void Tree::delete_(int x) { int res=0; root = deleteNode(root,x,res); if(res == 0) { cout<<"\n Data Not Found!"; } } Node* Tree::deleteNode(Node* t,int x,int &res) { if(t == NULL) { return NULL; } while(t->data != x) { t->left = deleteNode(t->left,x,res); if(res == 0) t->right = deleteNode(t->right,x,res); return t; } // Data Found if(t->left == NULL && t->right == NULL) { delete t; res = 1; cout<<"\n Data Delete Successfully"; return NULL; } if(t->left == NULL) { Node *p = t->right; res = 1; delete t; return p; } if(t->right == NULL) { Node *p = t->left; res = 1; delete t; return p; } Node *p = leafNode(t); t->data = p->data; t->left = deleteNode(t->left,p->data,res); return t; } void Tree::heightAll(Node *t) { if(t != NULL) { heightAll(t->left); cout<<"\n Element: "<<t->data; cout<<" Height: "<<height(t)<<endl; heightAll(t->right); } } void Tree::preorder() { if(root == NULL) return; Node* t = root; Stack s; while(t != NULL) { cout<<t->data<<" "; s.push(t); t = t->left; } while( ! s.isEmpty() ) { t = s.pop(); t = t->right; while(t != NULL) { cout<<t->data<<" "; s.push(t); t = t->left; } } } int main() { freopen("input.txt","r",stdin); Tree t; int x; t.create(); Node* p = t.getRoot(); cout<<"\n\n Inorder Display:"; t.inorder(p); cout<<"\n\n Preorder Display:"; t.preorder(); cout<<"\n\n Height of tree:"<<t.height(p); cout<<"\n\n Height of All Node:"; t.heightAll(p); cout<<"\n\n Enter element to search:"; cin>>x; if(,x)) { cout<<"\n Element found!"; } else { cout<<"\n Element not Found!"; } cout<<"\n\n Enter element to be deleted:"; cin>>x; t.delete_(x); cout<<"\n\n After Delete Inorder Display:"; t.inorder(p); return 0; }
Input File:
10 20 0 30 0 0 40 50 0 0 60 0 0 5 10