#include<GL/glut.h> void init() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glClearColor(1,1,1,0); gluOrtho2D(0,500,0,500); } int line_cordinates[4],co_i; void plotPixel(int x,int y,float *fill_color) { glColor3f(fill_color[0],fill_color[1],fill_color[2]); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex2i(x,y); glEnd(); glFlush(); } // Boundary Fill Algoritm void boundaryfill(int x,int y,float *fill_color,float *boundary_color) { float current[3]; glReadPixels(x,y,1,1,GL_RGB,GL_FLOAT,current); if( (current[0] != boundary_color[0] || current[1] != boundary_color[1] || current[2] != boundary_color[2]) && (current[0] != fill_color[0] || current[1] != fill_color[1] || current[2] != fill_color[2])) { plotPixel(x,y,fill_color); boundaryfill(x+1,y,fill_color,boundary_color); boundaryfill(x,y+1,fill_color,boundary_color); boundaryfill(x-1,y,fill_color,boundary_color); boundaryfill(x,y-1,fill_color,boundary_color); } } // DDA Line Drawing Algoritm void ddaAlgo(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) { float dx = x2-x1,dy = y2-y1; float m = dy/dx; float steps; if(abs(dx) > abs(dy)) steps = abs(dx); else steps = abs(dy); float xinc = dx/steps; float yinc = dy/steps; float x=x1,y=y1; for(int i=1;i<=steps;i++) { glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex2f(x,y); glEnd(); x = x +xinc; y = y + yinc; } glFlush(); } // Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm void bsaAlgo(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) { float dy = y2-y1; float dx = x2 -x1; float m = dy/dx; float p; float x = x1, y = y1; int x_change = 1, y_change = 1; if(x1>x2) x_change = -1; if(y1>y2) y_change = -1; if(dx < 0) dx = -dx; if(dy < 0) dy = -dy; glBegin(GL_POINTS); if(dx>dy) { p = 2*dy-dx; for(int i=0;i<dx;i++) { if(p<0) { p = p + 2*dy; } else { y = y + y_change; p = p + 2 * (dy - dx); } x = x + x_change; glVertex2i(x,y); } } else { p = 2*dx-dy; for(int i=0;i<dy;i++) { if(p<0) { p = p + 2*dx; } else { x = x + x_change; p = p + 2*(dx - dy); } y = y + y_change; glVertex2i(x,y); } } glEnd(); glFlush(); } void display() { //glPointSize(4); glColor3f(1,0,0); bsaAlgo(100,100,200,100); bsaAlgo(300,100,400,100); bsaAlgo(400,100,400,400); bsaAlgo(400,400,100,400); bsaAlgo(100,400,100,100); bsaAlgo(200,100,160,50); bsaAlgo(160,50,340,50); bsaAlgo(340,50,300,100); bsaAlgo(180,200,200,140); bsaAlgo(200,140,300,260); bsaAlgo(300,260,360,140); // Inside Window bsaAlgo(140,140,360,140); bsaAlgo(360,140,360,360); bsaAlgo(360,360,140,360); bsaAlgo(140,360,140,140); bsaAlgo(140,140,180,200); float boundary_color[3],fill_color[3]; // Setting boundary color as RED boundary_color[0] = 1; boundary_color[1] = 0; boundary_color[2] = 0; // Fill Color to Green fill_color[0] = 0; fill_color[1] = 1; fill_color[2] = 0; boundaryfill(144,142,fill_color,boundary_color); boundaryfill(204,142,fill_color,boundary_color); // Fill Color to Light Blue fill_color[0] = 0; fill_color[1] = 1; fill_color[2] = 1; boundaryfill(102,102,fill_color,boundary_color); glFlush(); } void mouse(int button,int state,int x,int y) { if(button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && state == GLUT_DOWN && co_i <4) { line_cordinates[co_i] = x; co_i++; line_cordinates[co_i] = 500-y; co_i++; } if(co_i == 4) { ddaAlgo(line_cordinates[0],line_cordinates[1],line_cordinates[2],line_cordinates[3]); co_i = 0; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { glutInit(&argc,argv); glutInitWindowSize(500,500); glutInitWindowPosition(150,200); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); glutCreateWindow("Hill Fill"); init(); glutDisplayFunc(display); glutMouseFunc(mouse); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }