#4 Flavor's and Version of Python

Python Flavor's:

  1. Cpython: Standard python interpreter implemented in  C Language. Here python code internally converted into intermediate called Byte Code by using C Function. This byte code can run on Python Interpreter.
  2. Jython: Implemented in Python for Java platform. Here internally first compiler convert python program into Java Byte Code. This Byte Code can be executed by the JVM and produces the output.
  3. IronPython: Implemented Python for .NET framework. It is written in C#  language.
  4. Pypy: Here implementing python using python language.
  5. Anaconda Python: Handling the large scale data processing, and for tricky analytics and scientific computing we go for Anaconda Python.

Python Version’s:

Python Version's

Python 3.5.0, documentation released on 13 September 2015.
Python 3.6.0, documentation released on 23 December 2016.
Python 3.7.0, documentation released on 27 June 2018.
Python 3.8.0, documentation released on 14 October 2019.

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