Day 1: On 15th
May, 2019 we have designed GUI(Graphical Used Interface) for Welcome Window ,
Login Window and Sign-up window in Swing which is a GUI widget toolkit for
We have used Netbeans IDE for developing the project.
Day 2: On 16th
May, 2019 we have implemented the functionalities to the Frame created on 15th
May, 2019. We implemented functionality like to move from one frame another
frame , Login Credential validation, Enabling the exit button, Changing the
text color of label on Click Event and Signing Up the User.
Day 3: On 17th
May, 2019 we have Designed GUI for Calculator and implemented the functionality
to get number on click to respective buttons.
Day 4: On 18th
May, 2019 we have implemented functionality to Calculator like:
1) If user try
to divide by zero then it will give proper message “Cannot be divide by Zero”
2) If the user directly clicks on the
operation button or equals-to button without giving any one of the value then
,it will give proper message “Empty String”.
3) Once the Clear button click then it will
place null in previous value .
Day 5: On 20th
May, 2019 we have implemented GUI for Tic Tac Toe Game and implemented the
functionality to get check whether game is in running mode or not and who wins
X or O.
Day 6: On 21st
May, 2019 we have implemented tie condition of Tic Tac Toe game and if any one
won match or tie then the game will reset. Next, we implement list component in
Java Swing.